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Property division details surface in Bryant divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 27, 2012 | Property Division |

A few weeks ago we posted about the divorce of NBA Lakers star Kobe Bryant from his wife Vanessa. We knew few details about the divorce proceedings at that time, but since then, several details have come to light, including those surrounding property division.

It was speculated from the beginning that the wealthy couple did not have a prenuptial agreement. There has been little to dispute that, and Orange County court records show that the Bryants have begun separating their assets, starting with a few California mansions.

The Orange County Clerk-Recorders Office showed that three Newport Beach mansions owned by the pair were worth nearly $19 million. According to county property records, the three homes now show Vanessa as the owner.

While the Bryants’ divorce proceedings are not finalized, this new development in property transactions shows the two are well on their way to coming to an agreement. Property division is a major part of divorce. Because California is a community property state, local couples who choose to divorce face equal division of property. For Kobe Bryant, this could mean a loss of $75 million, as he is reportedly worth $150 million.

In addition to property division, a divorce agreement can encompass spousal support, child support and child custody. While the Bryants divorce seems to be going smoothly — the pair has reportedly agreed on joint child custody — not all divorces are so easy. In either case, speaking to an experienced family law attorney may be helpful for those working toward a divorce agreement.

Source: Los Angeles Times, “Kobe Bryant divorce: Wife Vanessa gets $18.8 million in property,” Michael Reicher, Jan. 21, 2012


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