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Child support woes for actor Corey Feldman

On Behalf of | Oct 24, 2011 | Child Support |

Although Corey Feldman was a popular actor a few decades ago (California movie fans may remember him from his role in “Goonies”), he hasn’t seen much screen time in recent years. He’s clearly not in the same financial situation that he was in his heyday, as evidenced by court documents in the child support complaint that was recently filed by his ex-wife, Susannah Feldman. Ms. Feldman reports that the actor has a current income of just $1,387 per month.

Feldman’s ex, whom he was married to for seven years, filed the case in Los Angeles County Superior Court, claiming that the actor has failed to contribute to the upbringing of their 7-year-old son. The Feldmans divorced in 2009. In addition to $307 in monthly child support, Ms. Feldman is asking that her ex-husband pay half of their son’s medical expenses and also provide him with health insurance.

When California residents with children divorce, it usually results in the non-custodial parent being obligated to pay monthly child support payments to the parent that the child resides with. Child support cases are common, and as evidenced, even celebrities aren’t exempt from these types of disputes.

The amount of a monthly child support payment is calculated based on the payer’s income, but it’s not always that simple. Those facing child support disputes would benefit from contacting an attorney who is experienced in handling these matters and may be able to ensure that all calculations are done correctly and the amount being paid is fair to all involved parties. Courts do grant modifications upon a showing that there has been a substantial change in circumstances since the original support order was issued.

Source: Sf Gate, “Corey Feldman facing child support battle,” Sept. 26, 2011


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