The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of California's Family Law Attorney Amanda Naples as 2018 10 Best Family Law Attorney for Client Satisfaction. The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys is a third-party...
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Firm News
Valerie Murphy Accepted as 2018 AIOFLA’S 10 Best in California For Client Satisfaction
The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys has recognized the exceptional performance of California's Family Law Attorney Valerie Murphy as 2018 10 Best Family Law Attorney for Client Satisfaction. The American Institute of Family Law Attorneys is a third-party...
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Facebook | Heather Cullen, Attorney at Law: Understanding Mediation
Facebook | Heather Cullen, Attorney at Law: Understanding Mediation
Understanding Mediation
Mediation, which can be described as "assisted negotiation," is the fastest growing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) method. Courts in many jurisdictions now require that disputes be mediated before they will be heard in court. Mediation differs from arbitration;...
Establish Parental Relationship (Paternity)
Paternity refers to the legal determination of who is the biological father of a child. While the identity of a child's biological mother is usually known, the father's identity may not always be as certain. Paternity issues often arise in cases involving child...
Child Support
When married parents divorce or separate, or when only one of the unmarried parents has custody of a child, the court may order the non-custodial parent, or the one with whom the child does not live, to pay a certain portion of his or her income as child support. In...
Facebook | Heather Cullen, Attorney at Law: Child Support
Facebook | Heather Cullen, Attorney at Law: Child Support
Child Custody & Visitation
When parents divorce, the divorce decree will specify with whom the children will live, and how often and under what circumstances the other parent will visit with the children. Often, parents work out these arrangements between themselves, either voluntarily or with...