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Divorce in California may involve dividing shared assets in half

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2013 | Divorce |

Divorce can be a painful experience, signifying the failure of a union that was intended to last until death. When a couple’s marriage has died and they must part ways, it is easy to overlook who should receive what part of the assets they both owned together. A recent article explains what to expect in California when dealing with the splitting of shared assets and even alimony and child support during a divorce proceeding.

First, an individual who is going through a divorce in California can expect a judge to simply split the married couple’s assets down the middle. This process is simple and fast, but it does not take into consideration either person’s age, work status or physical condition. If a person would like the property they shared with their spouse to be divided in a more fair way, they should negotiate this with their spouse and reach a post-marital agreement.

In addition, the awarding of child support and alimony depends on a person’s work opportunities and their age. For instance, if one spouse stayed home with the children, they could very well be awarded a large alimony payment. This person could also receive child support payments.

Knowing what to expect regarding how shared assets will be divided and how child support and alimony will be handled can be helpful when filing for divorce. Although divorce can be a financially complicated process, a person can attempt to take control by negotiating a settlement with their spouse in an effort to ensure the fairest outcome possible. They have the right to legally pursue their fair share of the assets as well as alimony or child support in California.

Source: Huffington Post, Why Where You Divorce Matters: Equitable Distribution vs. Community Property, David Centeno, Aug. 28, 2013


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