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Collaborative divorce in California can have positive outcomes

On Behalf of | Dec 19, 2013 | Divorce |

Getting divorced often is one of life’s most stressful moments, as the two parties involved may be reeling in emotions ranging from hurt to anger or distrust. This particularly is the case when the two individuals simply cannot see eye-to-eye on significant areas of the divorce proceeding, such as the division of assets or alimony. In such situations, divorce can be costly both emotionally and financially. Collaborative divorce, however, can help couples to experience more satisfaction with the financial outcome of a divorce in California.

In a collaborative divorce, the two individuals who wish to split agree to still respect and honor one another. They avoid going to court and instead meet personally to disclose all of their debts and assets. They also agree on the experts whom they will choose to determine their kids’ needs or to value a family business.

This type of divorce is growing in popularity. The challenge is whether divorcing couples can actually get along well enough to go through the process amicably outside of court. However, the benefits are strong, especially when a sensitive matter such as child custody is involved.

Going through a collaborative divorce enables both individuals to assume more control over their lives both financially and emotionally. A judge does not have to get involved in their situation, which means that the outcome of the divorce has a higher chance of being favorable to both parties. Both individuals can rightfully seek their own best interests while still taking into consideration one another’s desires. This type of divorce proceeding is particularly helpful for two people who wish to avoid litigating their divorces in California.

Source: The Courier-Journal, Collaborative divorces keep separation details secret, No author, Dec. 15, 2013


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