Many people in California may have learned about Kanye West and Kim Kardashian’s recent marriage. Although the celebrities may have been blissful on their wedding day, this bliss may not last very long for a variety of factors, according to modern research. A prenuptial agreement may help a person who is getting married in our state to protect his or her assets in the event that a divorce happens.
Like Kardashian, many people are already divorced before getting married to new spouses. In Kardashian’s case, she had been divorced twice prior to connecting with West. Previous divorces increases a person’s chances of getting divorced again in a future marriage.
Another problem for West and Kardashian is that they are both well-liked celebrities who are constantly busy. Being gone from one’s spouse for extended periods of time, combined with being around adoring people who may be romantically interested in the person, can create an environment ripe for cheating. Celebrities are also often viewed as narcissistic and non-empathetic, which may cause irreparable damage to a relationship.
The power couple did sign a prenuptial agreement. This type of agreement, along with a postnuptial agreement, may specify who will end up with particular assets or debts if the couple gets divorced. This can help to make a divorce as seamless as possible. If the couple has neither type of agreement, they may be able to negotiate a divorce settlement that takes into consideration both of their wishes. A judge will decide who gets the marital home and other assets, however, if the couple can’t find common ground in California.
Source:, “Kim and Kanye Divorce Nearly Guaranteed and Countdown Has Begun“, Rebecca Savastio, May 27, 2014