When going through a divorce, a range of emotions may overcome an individual in California. The person might feel angry about the situation and also stressed about how the divorce proceeding will turn out. A few tips can help people to make sure that they handle the financial details of the divorce in a manner that will benefit them in the long run.
First, it’s paramount that people get financial records regarding all property owned by the two parties. This includes recreational property, such as time-shares and cottages. They also would be wise to gather documents on recreational vehicles, such as trucks, motorcycles, cars, motor homes and boats. All of these are assets that will have to be distributed according during the divorce proceeding.
Other important documents to get are those on furniture, precious metals, valuable jewelry, collectibles and antiques. It’s wise to create a comprehensive list of all valuable things that one owns and indicate where they ware located. Statements on retirement assets, such as funds in 403(b)s, IRAs and 401(k)s are additionally beneficial to obtain.
Investment statements and military or company pension plan information is furthermore vital to obtain when going through a divorce. The goal is to make sure that all community property is accounted for and divided properly between the two parties. If two divorcing people can reach their own settlement at the negotiation table, this can prevent them from having to go before a judge to handle their asset distribution matters in California.
Source: thespectrum.com, “Facing divorce? Organize finances now“, Dustin Schofield, Sept. 12, 2014