A California woman is now behind bars and waiting on the judge to decide how many years she’ll sit there. She fainted when the verdict came back, finding her guilty of attempting to murder her now ex-husband and the father of her child.
According to the woman and her co-conspirator, who happened to be her instructor at a local gun range, they never really intended to kill her husband.
They just wanted to lure him to a remote location with promises of having “information” that he’d want involving his divorce and custody battle — which had already been limping through the court system for two years at that point.
The plan, supposedly, was to scare him into leaving his estranged wife alone by firing shots into the air around him. The wife had convinced her shooting instructor that her husband was abusive — a charge she’d levied against him in court a couple of months before.
That allegation alone was enough to get the husband kicked out of his home, but the wife had a small problem — she didn’t exactly have any proof of real abuse. That might come back to haunt her during a future custody hearing if the judge suspected she was making things up to get her way in the custody case.
According to the duo’s claims, the mere fact that her husband showed up to see what the mysterious “private investigator” had would be proof enough that he was guilty of abuse. Scaring him was just a bonus.
The woman’s husband actually called police prior to going to the meeting point to see what he should do. They advised him to be cautious if he did go — so he brought a friend along.
They found no package taped to the electrical pole as promised — but he and his friend did spot the rifle aimed at them from the bushes and ran. The husband was shot in the leg but escaped further harm, and police had little trouble catching the wife and her cohort.
Cases like this illustrate why it’s better to try to work through the legal system if you’re either a domestic violence victim or falsely accused of abuse. It also shows how quickly things can go bad when someone tries to manipulate the system in order to get an unfair advantage in court.
Source: www.foxnews.com, “California defendant faints after being found guilty in murder conspiracy plot,” Travis Fedschun, Nov. 15, 2017