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Protecting yourself from false allegations during divorce

On Behalf of | Nov 22, 2021 | Divorce |

If you are getting a divorce and your soon-to-be-ex-spouse is angry, bitter or unpredictable, you could be in for some challenges as you navigate this process. One particularly troubling situation you could face is your ex making false allegations about you.

False allegations can make a divorce more contentious than it already may be and threaten the reputation of the falsely accused. If you are in this position, you can protect yourself and your case in a few ways.

Maintain good records

Well-kept records can carry more weight than the statements of an angry ex during a divorce. Documentation can be crucial in proving your ex is making false claims of abuse, neglect, poor parenting or violence. 

Thus, it can be wise to retain the following records:

  • Police reports
  • Voicemails from your ex
  • Texts and emails 
  • Bank records
  • Statements from people like counselors or a child’s teacher 

These records can counter an ex’s claims that you are volatile or unreliable. They can paint a very different picture than the one your ex may be trying to portray, which is crucial in securing fair outcomes in your divorce.

Don’t lash out

Your ex likely knows precisely which of your buttons to push to get a particular reaction out of you. Thus, provocation and antagonization are not unusual during a divorce. 

While it can be tempting to lash out at an ex or aggressively defend yourself to set the record straight, this type of reaction can backfire. Instead of protecting yourself, these responses can make you seem dangerous or angry in the eyes of the courts. Even if your actions feel justified, they could ultimately lead a judge to rule in favor of your ex on a specific matter.

Keep your distance

Perhaps the best way to protect yourself against an ex’s false allegations is to stay away from them and minimize interactions. If you must speak, put your conversations in writing. If you must meet in person, consider bringing a witness or meeting in public areas. 

You might also decide to have your attorney manage all communication during the divorce. 

If you are worried about your ex making false allegations during a divorce, you can take these steps to protect yourself, your reputation and your rights.


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