Business Valuations & Business Controllable Cash Flow
The most complicated asset to divide during property division settlements is a business and its controllable cash flow. Many times, a high-asset divorce includes such business assets. A controllable cash flow of a business is the actual cash a business owner has available. Cash flow can be computed as income for the business owner, which can significantly affect property settlement agreements and other aspects of a divorce such as spousal support and child support. That is why obtaining a law firm with the capabilities and resources to evaluate business assets properly is so important.
Contact our firm today to schedule an appointment.
Business Valuation Resources
The high-asset divorce lawyers at Cullen Family Law Group have the knowledge, skills, experience, and capabilities to provide detailed and accurate business valuations. We utilize the assistance of experts who include forensic accountants, tax attorneys, appraisers, and evaluators. If you suspect your spouse is not being entirely forthcoming about the value of their business, we can investigate the issue and help you obtain a fair property settlement.
Effective high-asset divorce representation. Contact us to discuss your business valuation case today. Call 951-824-6449. We are located in both Riverside and Temecula.
The Value Of A Business
Every business has its unique value, whether tangible or intangible. That is where the challenge lies in business valuation. Parties in a divorce proceeding may be co-owners or partners in a business. Each partner may have a very different idea of what the business is worth.
A former spouse may claim that a business has no controllable cash flow. Especially if the former spouse has no other source of income, this dramatically affects amounts in child support, alimony/spousal support, and the division of other assets/liabilities.
Determining controllable cash flow is where the assistance of a high-net-worth divorce attorney comes in to help negotiations run fairly and smoothly. If a dispute over the value of a business cannot be resolved, we will provide aggressive representation at trial.
Contact Our San Bernardino Professional Practice Valuation Law Firm Today
If you are facing a high-asset divorce and your assets include businesses that require accurate valuations, we invite you to contact our California family law firm today. Schedule an initial confidential consultation with one of our experienced Corona divorce business valuation attorneys. Call 951-824-6449.