Property Rights: Simple & Complex
California is a community property state. A community property state means that divorcing couples must equally divide assets and debts acquired during their marriage. There are two types of property in California: community property and separate property. Community property is acquired during a marriage. Separate property is acquired before the marriage, after the date of separation, or by gift or inheritance. When dividing property, the Court weighs factors such as value, debt, individual property rights, and rights to reimbursement.
At Cullen Family Law Group, our attorneys, with the support of their legal staff, consult with appraisers, evaluators, accountants, tax attorneys, and other experts to establish the value of all assets and debts. We have the experience and skill to handle property divisions involving significant assets, businesses, multiple properties, and self-employed independent contractors.
We help clients divide all property acquired during the marriage, including real property, vehicles, bank and investment accounts, retirement and 401(k) plans, businesses, and debts. In some instances, we advise clients to discuss property issues with an estate attorney as additional protection of their property rights. We consult with forensic accountants when questions about hidden assets arise. To discuss property division during a divorce, contact our Riverside, California, law firm. We have the resources to handle simple and complex property division matters. We also have a law office in Temecula.
Handling Complicated And Straightforward Property Division Matters
Divorcing parties must agree on property division issues, or the matter will go to Court, and a judge will decide the issues. We assist our clients in obtaining fair settlements. However, if a case goes to Court, we litigate aggressively on our client’s behalf, developing solid arguments that protect their property rights.
The legal support team at Cullen Family Law Group offers fair, effective, and efficient legal services in property division cases. Our law firm is committed to high-quality representation specific to each client’s needs and goals. Our lawyers and staff will take the time to get to know you and understand your unique situation.
If you are facing a divorce and are concerned about your property rights, we invite you to contact our California family law firm today for a knowledgeable and objective legal opinion from one of our attorneys.